Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Geisha Soap: For the whole family: New Geisha Lasts Longer! That's
a billboard painted on top of many buildings.

I guess I've felt like writing less here because there's less to
write about. Conditions for the kids are bad, there are mosquitos,
it's dusty and bucket showers suck, but the kids have a better
education than in Ghana, there are far fewer bugs, there's no sewage
in the streets, and I can go to the pool for a real shower. So in
comparison it seems like people are well off here and life is
luxurious. Of course it's all in comparison.

I've been going to school, reading, doing art, doing geography, and
with P6 and P5 I've done a mini Uganda history lesson to explain why
there is an election tomorrow. The election will decide if Uganda
will have more than one party. It's pretty important as there's a
lot of international pressure on the president to open things up.

It's amazing how much faster the internet is in the afternoon
versus evening. Yay.

This weekend will be relaxing with Thursday off. Like last Sat.,
we'll hit up a club in Kampala as Thurs. is the last night for some
of the volunteers. It's amazing how western/international the
clubs are. And there's this incredible Indian restaraunt that grinds
the spices fresh. So it's a high life here...


At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you had a great weekend. We miss hearing from you.
Lots of love, Gma


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